The Solution to All Your Property Searches
Efficient Residential and Commercial Property Searches
Environmental searches are essential for a multitude of reasons. One reason includes your health being affected if your property sits on contaminated land. Here at ISA Yorkshire Ltd, we carry out both commercial and residential property searches. Get in touch for additional information on why these searches are important.
Why Are Environmental Searches Important?
As many of these old industries no longer exist or have been relocated, there may be little evidence to show where they once were. However, their by-products may still be a health hazard for property owners from contamination of the ground on which a property sits.
For example, toxic chemicals such as lead, arsenic, mercury, and other heavy metals will remain in the ground and be a potential danger to occupiers, especially children. Another potential danger to a property is the existence of an old landfill site. As the climate is changing, there is also the risk of flooding and other environmental issues.
Even when a home has not been built directly on an old industrial site, contamination from the nearby land and pollution from rivers and watercourses can spread into the nearby ground, affecting properties. Contaminated water flowing from abandoned mine workings is a continuing problem.
Environmental Searches – Residential
The reports available are as follows:
Environmental Searches – Residential
Future Climate Standard Residential <0.25Ha Contains Environmental, Flood, Ground Stability
Future Climate Premium Residential <0.25Ha Contains Environmental, Flood Stability Energy Wind Farms, Fracking, Oil, Power Stations, Infrastructure, Railways, and HS2
Groundsure Homebuyers Reviews Contaminated Land, Flood, Ground Stability, Radon and Screens Other Environmental Risks Such as Energy, Transportation and Planning to Provide Comprehensive Environmental Checks for a Residential Property
Groundsure Flood – a Detailed Water and Drainage Risk Model Devised by Industry Experts, and Provides Details on All Potential Flood Hazards
Groundsure Home Screening Identify the Risks of Contaminated Land and Resulting Liabilities Could Pose to Your Client’s Residential Property
Groundsure Planning Provides Detailed Planning Application Information within the Vicinity of the Property, Dating Back 10 Years
Groundsure Avista Seven Environmental Searches Covering the Key Residential Property Fee Purchases Risks, Including Radon, Planning Applications, Transportation, Flood Risk, Ground Stability, Energy and Contaminated Land
Enviro All-In-One A Fully Integrated Residential Environmental Risk Report, Combining a Full CON29M Coal Mining Search Plus Flood, Contaminated Land and Ground Stability Searches Also Screens Other Environmental Risks Such as Energy, Transportation and Planning Providing a Full and Comprehensive Environmental Check
Groundsure Energy and Transportation Existing and Planned Energy and Transportation Infrastructure
HS2, Crossrail, Hydraulic Fracturing (Fracking), Gas, Wind Farms, Solar Farms, Underground Railways, Power Stations etc.
Landmark Risk Review Report – the Report Reveals Risks to the Property Associated with Contaminated Land and Flooding, as well as Energy and Infrastructure and Ground Stability
Landmark Envirosearch Residential Contaminated Land Report with Flood, Energy Exploration, Wind & Solar Farm, Crossrail and HS2 Alert
Landmark Plansearch Plus Aerial Photos, Planning applications, Land Use, Mobile Phone Masks, Rights of Way, Housing and Neighbourhood Information, Crime, Education Amenities, and Other Useful Information. (7 Years History)
Landmark Homecheck Professional Environmental Contaminated Land Report with High-Level Indication of Other Possible Environmental Risks, including Flood
Landmark Homecheck Flood Risk Assessment for Residential Properties
Landmark Site Solutions Residence Contaminated Land & Full Risk Assessment on Flood and Subsidence
Landmark Homecheck Mining and Subsidence Any Potential Mining and Subsidence Hazards
The Report Covers a Wide Range of Hazards from Man-Made and Natural Sources as well as Providing Information on Real Case Insurance Claims from Subsidence
Environmental Searches – Commercial
Environmental Searches – Commercial
Future Climate Standard Commercial <0.25Ha Contains Environmental, Flood, Ground Stability
Future Climate Premium <0.25Ha Commercial Contains Flood, Stability, Energy Wind Farms, Fracking, Oil, Power Station and Infrastructure, Railways, and HS2
Flood Commercial <0.25Ha Contains Environmental & Flood, Flooding from Rivers, the Sea, and Surface Water Flooding, Groundwater Flooding Susceptibility, Historic Flooding, Flood Insurability, Flood Storage Areas, and Nearby Surface Water Features
Groundsure Energy Commercial <30Ha: Carbon Capture and Storage, Coal Bed, Methane Extraction, Cross rail, Current and Future Hydropower Installations, Gas Recovery from Mines, HS2, Licensed Oil, Gas, and Shale Gas Exploration and Extraction, Major Energy, Environmental, and Transport Infrastructure, Power Stations, Solar Farms, Underground Coal Gasification, and Wind Farms
Groundsure Review Up to 5H Most High-Detailed on the Market, Combines Standard Environmental Liability Issues with a Flood-Risk Assessment
Groundsure Agricultural. For More Precision Than Standard Commercial Profiles, Essential Insight on Past and Current Use of the Land and Site Layout, up to 15Ha
Planview Planning Overview for Your Client’s Commercial Property Transaction Using Data from Glenigan – the UK Authority on Historical and Current Planning Data (Also includes an Air Quality Section)
Groundsure Screening Commercial Property Environmental Search with a Professional Opinion
Groundsure Siteguard Report
Enabling Valuers to Provide Maximum Due Diligence, This Land Contamination Report Provides a Four-Tier Ranking for Any Property – Helping Banking and Other Lenders Decide on Its Suitability for Secured Lending
Groundsure Energy and Transportation – Existing and Planned Energy and Transportation Infrastructure. HS2, Crossrail, Hydraulic Fracturing (Fracking), Gas, Wind Farms, Solar Farms, Underground Railways, Power Stations etc.
Landmark Sitecheck Flood up to 2 Hectares (Larger Sites, Contact for Details)
Landmark Sitecheck Planning up to 2 Hectares (Larger Sites, Contact for Details)
Landmark Sitecheck Data up to 2 Hectares (Larger Sites, Contact for Details)
Landmark Sitecheck Assess up to 2 Hectares (Larger Sites, Contact for Details)
Landmark Sitecheck Combined - Full Data Pack up to 2 Hectares (Larger Sites, Contact for Details)
Landmark Sitecheck Combined up to 2 Hectares (Larger Sites, Contact for Details)
Landmark Sitecheck Historical Maps up to 2 Hectares (Larger Sites, Contact for Details)
Landmark Site Solutions Highways
Landmark Site Solutions Air Quality
Energy and Infrastructure. Existing and Planned Energy and Transportation Infrastructure, HS2, Crossrail, Hydraulic Fracturing (Fracking), Gas, Wind Farms, Solar Farms, Underground Railways, and Power Stations etc.